Friday, February 13, 2009

How Do I Love Thee

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

I love thee to the level of every day’s

most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.

I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;

I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use

in my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

With my lost saints,--I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I am……..excluded!

Yesterday, we were three friends, but now I have left no one in me. Nobody was left who will comfort me in times of sorrow.

It all started when we do our assignment in Educ.11b at the internet cafĂ©’. I was irritated by that time because I spent almost forty pesos but nothing happened. I waited for Rhea by that time because I thought she would eat her launch in our house. But, it turned out that she will ate at Nellie’s boarding house. I got mad by that time but its okay.

Few days passed, she did not eat her launch in our house anymore. I checked myself if I had commited a mistake on her but i didn't found the answer. There started the story.

Our lives continue as friends but...... there was already a bif difference. I couldn't enter the flow of the story anymore. Whenever we would associate with each other, I woould be always out of place! I can't swam on the surface of their topic. It seemed I was not existing then. It seemed I don't joined them. It seemed........ they were all aolne, the two of them, talking to each other, laughing, and nothing else more. Just the two of them on the bottom of the sea.

I was excluded! I was isolated!

I felt I was stabbed at the back. It was so painful. Te wound was aching . How I wish, for one moment of my life that someday, maybe tomorrow, the gravity would never learn how to pull water from my eyes, so at least, for just one moment in my life, if they would hurt me,.... I WOULDN'T NEED TO CRY!!!

As of now, I prefferd to be alone, without them in my sight. Because it seems I am a maid.... a maid who always follows her senoritas wherever they will go. It has really a big effect on me.

Now tell me if I am the one to be blamed for what had happened to us. Am I the killer of that friendship??

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Assignment


WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work will comes from the web. It uses the power of the Internet and a scaffolded learning process to turn research-based theories into dependable learning-centered practices.
It is very helpful to the learners in such a way that they are motivated to do what have been asked to them by their teacher. They will be given the opportunity to discover things with their own or in their own way. They can learn through their own. We all know that experience is the best way to learn. That is why through this webquest, the learners are able to learn in an easy way because they will be the one to operate the computer.
It is also a big help to the teacher in the sense that she can manage his or her class time wisely and properly. She will just assist the learners on what they will be going to do, and that is the method of scaffolding-assisting the learners to learn.
Of course, it will be applicable in our country if and only every school will be provided with computers that can accomodate to every students in every school. In short, one computer is provided per student because how can they learn if two or three students will share in one computer? But in our present situation, it is hard to apply this one because of scarcity of budget due to corruption.
This technique of teaching is very good for the students in order for them to learn better but it is sad to say that our government cannot provide the need of every school and computer is just one example of that. If they can supply computers then....why not to apply this kind of strategy? It is a very good way of learning.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tutorial for Digestive System

This will be helpful to the elementary because this introduces the function of this system with the coordination of the parts that are included in this system. This help the children to acquire the knowledge that are presented in this software. Most especially on the seqeunce of the circulation of the blood.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Game for Circulatory System

Instructional Game

This game will contribute a big help to the children. Through this activity, the memory and familiarization of the children will be tested. This can help them to know the functions of the different parts of the Circulatory System. Their memory about the topic will be refreshed by playing this game.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mediatization of the Youth

I choose to discuss media that was introduced and discussed by Rev. Christian Buenafe. What is media? This is the bridge wherein the message is sent to the receiver. Some examples of media are television, computers, radio, teachers and so on. This is used byu the people everywhere. This is very powerful in the sense that it influnces people in their actions, culture and other.

Computer technology has big contribution to media. Through this, the transmition of the message to the learners or viewers are more developed and effective. There is time management here, most especially in class lectures and presentations. Throug this, you can get what information you need in just a minute or two.

Education today is more effective compared to the education of yesterday. It is more effective and more high tech. There is the class in education of today. Through this, teachers can use more strategies and can manage his or her time in teaching to suit the needs of the students.

The technology of today is more powerful in media and in education. Students can learn from come computer alone without the presence of the teacher. You can easily get the informations that you want throuh computer and the learning process is more effective.

When I saw the movie "HAPAG NG PAG-ASA", a painting of Joey Vellasco, I thought what if I was one of those children? But later, I came up to a conclusion that I am really one of those hungry children around the table. And there was Jesus who acts as our teacher and we, the learners that surrounds Him, waiting to be fed by His teaching. Our bodies were all thin because the empty part of our life has not yet filled up. We can compare those painting to our life now as a student, hungry for education, finding ways on how we will fill up the emptiness in our head.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Educ.11a (assignment)




Respiratory System

Slide presentation

Identify the functions of the different organs of this system.

Circulatory System

Power point presentation

Discuss the circulation of the blood in the body.

Digestive System

Overhead projector

Recite the order of digesting food.

Excretory System

Slide presentation

Enumerate the organs in this system and their functions.

Nervous System

Power point presentation

Discuss the role of this system.